Boat Insurance: Protecting Your Summer Fun!

As the snow melts away and summer approaches, Colorado transforms into a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. With its abundance of lakes and rivers, the Centennial State offers endless opportunities for boating adventures. However, before pushing back from the dock onto one of Colorado’s pristine lakes or rivers, there’s one essential item you should have on board: boat insurance.


Why Boat Insurance Matters

While many are concerned about protecting the physical asset itself, be it from the element and general wear and tear, Coloradans should consider other incidentals, Protection and peace of mind ensure that your summer is not disrupted with the unpredictable.


Protect Your Investment

Your boat is more than just a recreational vehicle; it’s an investment in your lifestyle and leisure time. However, without adequate insurance coverage, that investment could be at risk. Whether it’s theft, vandalism, or accidental damage, the cost of replacing or repairing your boat can be substantial. Boat insurance provides financial protection, ensuring that you won’t be left high and dry if the unexpected occurs.


Liability Coverage

Boating accidents can happen, and when they do, the consequences can be serious. Without proper insurance, you could be held personally liable for property damage or injuries resulting from an accident. This means potentially facing expensive legal bills and compensation claims that could put your financial security in jeopardy. Boat insurance offers liability coverage, giving you peace of mind knowing that you’re protected against unforeseen liabilities on the water.


Why Choose Schomp Insurance

At Schomp Insurance, we understand the unique risks and challenges that boat owners face in Colorado. That’s why we offer comprehensive boat insurance policies tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced team will work closely with you to assess your coverage requirements and find a policy that provides the protection you need at a price you can afford.  Additionally we offer policies for both Colorado and Utah. 

Don’t let your summer fun be marred by the worry of what could happen if disaster strikes on the water. Contact Schomp Insurance today at (720) 371-3137 or to learn more about our boat insurance options protecting your assets and your toys.